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Brain Images Just Got 64 Million Times Sharper | Duke Today

DUKE TODAY - DURHAM, N.C. – Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is how we visualize soft, watery tissue that is hard to image with X-rays.

NeuroImage Vol No 255 chooses figure from Stephanie Crater's Paper for July Cover!

The cover in this issue of NeuroImage (Volume No 255) shows a representative image from a recent study by Wang et al from the CIVM that explores… Read More

NeuroImage chooses figure from Rick Laoprasert's Paper for November Cover!
CIVM congratulates Stephanie Crater!

CIVM would like to congratulate Stephanie Crater on receiving the 2021 Helmholtz Award.

Variability and heritability of mouse brain structure: Microscopic MRI atlases and connectomes for diverse strains
Genome-wide association studies have demonstrated significant links between human brain structure and common DNA variants.
Nian Wang, Assistant Professor of Radiology wins an award for best picture in the BMC Research
Nian Wang, Assistant Professor of Radiology wins an award for best picture in the BMC Research In Progress.