Supplemental Material for:


Neuroanatomical phenotypes in the Reeler mouse

Alexandra Badea, Peter J. Nicholls, G. Allan Johnson, and William C. Wetsel

Neuroimage 34(4): 1363-1374, February 15, 2007. PMCID: PMC1945208


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The data files shared are contrast enhanced (ProHance, Bracco Diagnostics) MR scans of fixed perfused mouse brains, acquired using a 9.4 T (400 MHz) vertical bore Oxford magnet with a GE EXCITE console (Epic 11.0). The imaging sequence was a radio frequency refocused,3D spin warp sequence, with TE/TR of 5.2/50 ms, FOV 22 x 11 x 11 mm. Zero filling was used, resulting in a matrix size 1024 x 512 x 512, and isotropic resolution of 21.5 microns. Nonuniform radial gain and asymmetric k space sampling were used, resulting in a scan time of approximately 2 hours. 

To download 3D data sets in Analyze format, please save the data to disk. If downloading a zipped archive unzip (one can use WinZip on a PC, Stuffit on a MAC) and save header (*.hdr) and image files (*.img) in the same directory.

  • Supplemental Figure 1. Coronal section from wild type Reln brain (WT). The 3D dataset, in Analyze format, is available for download (click to  download full dataset as zip archive, 172 MB).  

  • Supplemental Figure 2.  Coronal section from heterozygous Reln mutant brain (Relnrl/+). The 3D dataset, in Analyze format, is available for download (click to download full dataset as zip archive, 117 MB).

  • Supplemental Figure 3.  Coronal section from homozygous Reln mutant brain (Relnrl/rl). The 3D dataset, in Analyze format, is available for download (click to download full dataset as zip archive, 124 MB).

  • Supplemental Figure4: Video 1. 3D rendering of the hippocampus and ventricles from wild type and homozygous Reln mutant brain (mp4 format) illustrating qualitative differences in shape.

  • Supplemental Figure 5Coronal sections from WT and homozygous Reln mutant illustrating differences in thickness of the cerebral cortex and hippocampal layers.  

  • >References
  • P.R. Hof, W.G. Young, F.E. Bloom, P.V. Belichenko, and M.R. Celio, 2000. "Comparative Cytoarchitectonic Atlas of the C57BL/6 and 129/Sv Mouse Brains". Elsevier.
  • George Paxinos and Keith B.J. Franklin, 2003. "The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates", Academic Press.

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